an abstract image featuring various shades of blue

More about IRIS

Purpose, partners, funding, and more.

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SRF IRIS for Excellence

IRIS stands out from formats at other universities due to the diversity of the target group, the comprehensive range of engagement opportunities, and the collaboration with internationally renowned partners from industry, science and society. Among others, we are connected to the Cyber Valley and the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach. This transdisciplinary interchange makes IRIS truly unique!


Stuttgart Research Focus (SRF)

IRIS, a Stuttgart Research Focus, emphasizes helping people think carefully about how intelligent systems, like AI, affect our society. We do this in three main ways. First, we conduct interdisciplinary research to understand how these technologies change our lives and what ethical issues they raise. Second, we engage with the public by organizing events and discussions to raise awareness and encourage people to talk about these important topics. Third, we include these ideas in our teaching to help students and educators learn about and prepare for the future with intelligent systems. Through research, public engagement, and education, we aim to make everyone more aware and thoughtful about the impact of intelligent systems.

The research within IRIS brings together experts from different areas and thus follows the Stuttgart path, the aim of which is to promote and focus interdisciplinarity. The experts examine how intelligent systems influence our society in the areas of politics, literature, machine learning, business and education. There are different research teams: three independent research groups from IRIS3D, six research projects supported by start-up funding (these ended at the end of November 2024), collaborative projects with SimTech and IRIS researchers working on their own projects.


Engaging with the Public

Since the development and use of intelligent systems have the potential to fundamentally change our society, IRIS also seeks to initiate public debates on questions of responsible design of intelligent systems and to provide a forum for dialogue and knowledge transfer between science and society.

Our public events and activities in knowledge transfer are supported by the International Center for  Cultural and Technological Studies (IZKT).


Teaching in IRIS

The teaching and learning forum RISING is designed to initiate reflection processes in all courses of study at the University of Stuttgart and to sensitize students to the social implications of prejudiced intelligent systems and prepare them for a new future. Not only should their horizons be broadened but they should also gain new perspectives through reflection. This will ultimately bring about goal-oriented progress in their later (professional) environment and enable a new, inclusive and welcoming culture of togetherness, mindfulness and respect.

RISING courses and offers:


IRIS Mission Statement

The Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems, IRIS, promotes critical reflection, develops educational formats, and provides a connection platform tailored to engage uniquely with scientists, educators, or the general public as relevant.

We define intelligent systems as learning, interconnected entities exhibiting abilities related to self-regulation and environmental adaptation—whether technical, biological, social, or cultural.

Our mission at IRIS is to stimulate an inclusive and interdisciplinary environment for research, teaching, and public engagement, emphasizing critical reflection on intelligent systems and their profound societal impact. Through collaborative research, multidisciplinary projects, and engagement with educational institutions, we aim to enhance public awareness and knowledge, promoting responsible and informed decision-making in developing, deploying, and using intelligent systems.

Our commitment to fostering reflection and ethical considerations extends to current and future generations. We actively engage with educational institutions and public organizations to ensure that our insights and findings inform policies, guidelines, and best practices that promote the responsible design, deployment, and governance of intelligent systems.


IRIS is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Research Council of the University of Stuttgart.

DFG reference number: (UP 31/1)

Project duration: 2019 - 2025

Questions investigated in IRIS:

  • What are the effects of intelligent systems on society?
  • How can we avoid unfair discrimination or stereotyping through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in automated decision-making in technology development?
  • How can we promote reflection on intelligent systems through education and teaching?
  • How can we make sure that the decisions made by artificial intelligence are comprehensible and fair?

External Partners:

The think tank for good digitalization

Algoright e.V.

Europe’s largest and leading center for excellence in AI and modern robotics

Cyber Valley

The institute combines – within one center – theory, software, and hardware expertise in the research field of intelligent systems

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

The Web Science Trust is a UK charity hosted by the University of Southampton which brings together world class thinkers and research in Web Science

Currently open positions:

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