Colleague AI makes music – How new technologies influence music

October 18, 2022, 7:30 p.m. (CEST)

Time: October 18, 2022, 7:30 p.m. (CEST)
Venue: Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart, Mailänder Platz 1
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Event language: German

The Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra (SKO) is one of the leading chamber orchestras in Europe. For years, the ensemble has been experimenting with new kinds of technologies and exploring how they can make the experience of a classical concert more enjoyable in an innovative way. In this context, the SKO is collaborating with the Media Solution Center Baden-Württemberg (MSC-BW): The aim of the collaboration is to combine different expertise from related research disciplines - experience with AI and the computing power from the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) meet the Hertz Lab of the Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe (ZKM) and the Stuttgart Media University (HdM) as interfaces between art, science and technology. Together, they experimentally explored how AI and other technologies can be used today to compose music and make it digitally experienceable. The first results of these experiments will be the topic of the event.

7:30 – 8:30 p.m.: Panel discussion with

  • Markus Korselt, SKO, General and Artistic Director
  • Ludger Brümmer, Staatliche Hochschule Trossingen, Professor for Composition for Digital Media | ZKM Karlsruhe, Hertz-Labor
  • Bernd Eberhardt, HdM, Professor for CGI and VFX | President MSC-BW
  • Dennis Hoppe, HLRS, strategic development in fields related to AI, data analytics, and quantum computing

Moderation: PD Dr. Felix Heidenreich, IZKT

Livestream of the panel discussion - - >>

9.00 - 9.45 p.m.: Concert

  • Sound examples of music composed by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    Premiere of the results of a research collaboration on the use of AI to compose music and make it digitally experienceable. Pieces written by an AI will be played. The composition algorithm was based on works by Mozart.
    Moderation: Prof. Ludger Brümmer
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet in C major KV 515 (orchestral version)
    I. Allegro • II. Menuetto, Allegretto • III. Andante • IV. Allegro

The concert will take place in the "HERZ" of the Stuttgart city library.

Capacity is limited: Registration for the entire event is required.
Please send an email with your name to: 
Tel. (0711) 216-96527

This event is part of the series “Questions for Colleague AI”, which is part of the Science Year 2022 – Participate! supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

This is a University of Stuttgart project: Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), International Center for Cultural and Technological Studies (IZKT) and the Hochschule der Medien: Study program Crossmedia-Redaktion/Public Relations in cooperation with the Stuttgart city library.


[Picture: KollegIn KI]

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