IRIS Symposium and Poster Session

June 5, 2023, 9:30 a.m. (CEST)

As part of the annual meeting of the International Advisory Board of IRIS and the Board of Directors.

Time: June 5, 2023, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Additional date: June 5, 2023, 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Event language: English
Venue: Universitätsstraße 34

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We will present the core IRIS foci of reflection on intelligent systems within Research, Public Engagement, and Teaching in several talks on Monday, June 5, 2023, from 9:30 am to approximately 12:30 pm and at 1:30 pm during a poster session in Lecture Hall U34.150 (formerly CampusGuest), Universitätstr. 34 on the Vaihingen Campus in Stuttgart.

This event is open to IRIS members and University's Research Council members. It will be held in English as part of the annual meeting of the International Advisory Board of IRIS.

  • Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab (co-speaker for IRIS) - Welcome and Opening
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wirzberger (Speaker for IRIS) - IRIS Teaching and Learning
  • Sierra Kaiser (IRIS Scientific Coordinator) - IRIS Public Engagement
  • Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab - IRIS Research
  • Dr. Cornelia Sindermann (IRIS3D Group Leader) - IRIS3D Project Focus
  • Prof. Dr. André Bächtiger (IRIS Board Member) - ERC Grant DDME

Additionally, we welcome the IRIS and Research Council members interested in hearing more about our research projects during the IRIS Poster Session starting at 13:30 pm in Lecture Hall U34.150. This is an informal chance to hear more about the IRIS research, including IRIS3D seed-funded projects within IRIS.

IRIS Research Posters

  1. Electric Dreams: Literary Narratives as Tools for Critically Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (Dr. Curtis Runstedler)
  2. Measuring Populism with AI (Lukas Erhardt)
  3. Reflecting Intelligent Systems for Diversity, Demography, and Democracy (IRIS3D) (Dr. Agnieszka Faleńska, Dr. Thilo Hagendorff, Dr. Cornelia Sindermann, Hongyu Chen, Laurène Vaugrante,  Solange Vega)
  4. Thought experiments combined with physics simulations and machine learning in a human-AI learning context (Dr. Miriam Klopotek & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wirzberger)
  5. The influence of network structures on group fairness in online political discussions (Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab & Jun.-Prof. Dr. Raphael Heiberger, Sara Hanke, Farane Jalali)
  6. 23/25 Towards human-robot co-agency: AI and feminist technoscience perspectives for diversity, demography, and democracy on human-robot-collaboration in architecture (Prof. Dr. Cordula Kropp, Prof. Dr. Achim Menges, Tenure-Track-Prof. Dr. Thomas Wortmann, Ph.D. Candidate: Amelie Schreck, Ph.D. Candidate: Gili Ron)
  7. Hooked on Artificial Agents: A Systems Thinking Approach (Dr. Ivan Đula, Tabea Berberena, Dr. Ksenia Keplinger, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wirzberger)
  8. Improving contact tracing by prioritizing influential spreaders identified by socio-demographic characteristics (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Raphael Heiberger, Marius Kaffai)
  9. Modeling trust in intelligent systems (Tabea Berberena, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wirzberger)
  10. Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (Sierra Kaiser)

“We acknowledge the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation under the DFG reference number UP 31/1) for the Stuttgart Research Focus Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS).”

This event will be in English.

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