Where are you going, colleague AI?

February 1, 2022, 7:30 p.m. (CET)

Time: February 1, 2022, 7:30 p.m. (CET)
Venue: Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart, Mailänder Platz 1 and Online per Livestream
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This event will be held in German.

Where are you going, colleague AI?
Working with intelligent systems

Our world of work is in a state of upheaval. We have a new colleague. It is sometimes possible to see her, but most of the time she is hidden in devices or stored in RAM or on a tablet. Our new colleague is new self-learning algorithms, i.e. artificial forms of intelligent systems, which are making our work increasingly easier, but which also supervise us, instruct us, and may perhaps even comand us at some point. Are they only there to help us, or might they replace us entirely? How might they benefit us? The aim is to shed light on the "black box", to break down prejudices and pose critical questions. 

Panel discussion
with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wirzberger, Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab, who are both spokespersons for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), and Prof. Christina Elmer, Vice Head of Development at the news magazine der SPIEGEL until 2019, currently Professor of Digital Journalism at TU Dortmund.
Moderation: PD Dr. Felix Heidenreich (IZKT)

With a contribution from students studying at the Hochschule der Medien and the University of Stuttgart.

Launch event for the project "Questions for Colleague AI" as part of the Science Year 2022 – Participate!

This project aims to collect, discuss and evaluate questions from citizens on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence" in a co-creative dialogue with the science sector. In doing so, it aims to provide impetus for the future of science, AI technology and communications.

Registration / Livestream  Flyer 

[Picture: iStock]

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