Time: | May 17, 2022, 7:30 p.m. (CEST) |
Venue: | Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart |
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Far away from the public eye, a technological revolution is currently taking place in the agriculture sector: Digital and AI systems are already being used in many areas of agriculture. New machines, the use of drones and increasingly precise monitoring are changing farming. Colleague AI has long been part of the farming sector.
Can AI help to improve animal welfare, make agriculture more environmentally friendly, or help to better preserve the soil? And how is work changing in the agricultural sector? Is colleague AI helping or overwhelming our farmers? Are current food shortages caused by the war in Ukraine changing perspectives? We have invited experts from various fields to explore this wide range of topics.
Panel discussion
- Prof. Dr. Hans W. Griepentrog, Head of the Department of Process Engineering in Plant Production at the University of Hohenheim
- Martin Hahn, Member of the State Parliament of Baden Württemberg, agricultural policy spokesperson for the Green Party's State Parliamentary Group
- Oliver Martin, Managing Director of FarmBlick, a technology and consulting provider for smart farming
Moderation: Dr. Elke Uhl, IZKT, University of Stuttgart
This event is part of the series “Questions for Colleague AI”[de], which is part of “Year of Science 2022 – Participate!”, supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
This is a University of Stuttgart project: Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS), International Center for Cultural and Technological Studies (IZKT) and the Hochschule der Medien: Study program Crossmedia-Redaktion/Public Relations in cooperation with the Stuttgart city library.
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