The influence of network structures on group fairness in online political discussions

IRIS3D Seed-Funded Project

Reflecting Intelligent Systems for Diversity, Demography, and Democracy (IRIS3D)

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Project Focus

Online political discussions may help to weigh arguments and shape opinions potentially including considerations from all stakeholders. Thereby, discussion platforms may act as intelligent brokers for a fruitful exchange of opinion. In practice, resentful discussions abound and often they disparage specific groups from equal participation. In this research project, we plan to develop methods of natural language processing and network data analysis to identify 
such unfair treatment. Using the Reddit Politosphere dataset as a case study, we will provide specific statistical analyses and evaluation of developed methods. Based on such methods and analyses, we plan to inform discussion platforms about problems and potential means of containment.

Project Members


04/2022 - 11/2024


The project is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg: Az. 33-7533-9-19/54/6

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