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Teaching Offers in Schools

Courses currently only offered in German

Offers for critical reflection on intelligent systems and their social impact.

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Courses for Students - Middle/High School

This interactive course will introduce basic concepts, terminology as well as reflection and take the students on a learning journey. The e-Learning course is for students grades 7 and up, to be introduced to AI.

The course as PPTS and a handbook for teachers are available on the German RISING-site to download. Just fill out the form.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us via at any time.

This interactive course introduces concepts of data, Machine Learning, as well as fake news to students grades 10 and up. Students will not only learn definitions and theory, but will apply learned concepts as part of a fun story, escaping evil robots that are chasing them.

The course as PPTS and a handbook for teachers will be available on the German RISING-site to download. Just fill out the form.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us via at any time.

This interactive course dives into concepts of data, modelling and data security, letting the students try out and reflect critically what it takes to build a model. Students grades 7 and up will then reflect critically how this is affecting them and what it means for their future.

The course as PPTS and a handbook for teachers will be available on the German RISING-site to download. Just fill out the form.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us via at any time.

Courses for Students - Elementary School

Students grades 3-4 join the little dragon "Dragi" on an interactive learning journey about topics including data and data security, cyber mobbing, digital footprint and gaming. Course worksheets are also available, letting students crack codes, fill out media diaries and relfect critically on cyber mobbing and its consequences.

The course as PPTS and the handbook for teachers will be available on the German RISING-site to download. Just fill out the form.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us via at any time.

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Courses for Teachers

TTT are workshops introducing the courses offered, presenting ways to implement critical reflection in the classroom or learning environment. Through interactive methods, students will not only learn about critical reflection and its importance theoretically but experience it for themselves first.

  • What's it about?
    • This workshop gives an introduction and overview of the course offering "KI - was ist das überhaupt und was hat das mit mir zu tun?" as well as ideas of implementation in the classroom.
  • Who's it for?
    • Teachers, teaching grades 7 and up who would like to introduce the topic of AI to their students. Since the course is an introduction to AI and thus not focused on the technical aspects in depth, but also looking at the ethical aspects of AI, it can be used in a variety of subject fields.
  • What is included?
    • The training includes: Materials,Handbook for teachers,PPTS,Concept ideas and a 90-Minute sample lesson plan of implementation.

  • Workshop format?
    • This 2-hour TTT workshop can be held either in person or online.
      With a minimum of 5 participants, this free workshop can be booked per request (


This image shows Tabea Berberena

Tabea Berberena


Scientific Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Forum RISING | Doctoral Researcher focusing on trust in intelligent systems

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